Create Order with Your Words
Create Order with Your Words Daily
Fruitful Decisions Come from Weaving Faith and Action

Fruitful Decisions Come from Weaving Faith and Action

09.24.24 Create Order With Your Words Daily #014

Does it seem as if unmade decisions have been stealing your time? In this episode we examine both James 2, Proverbs 24, and John 15 to see how faith and action intertwine to produce fruitful results. When we learn how to weave our belief with action like Abraham, we can move beyond barren beliefs. Embrace your chosen status to be fruitful and finish creative work by creating order with your words. As you align your thoughts with the promises of God, you will make confident decisions to propel you forward in your creative identity.

Ready to go deeper?

Subscribe to Tiffany's YouTube channel for the weekly evening stream on Wednesdays at 7pm PT to engage the text as a community.

Also, join the conversation on Substack where we discuss insights and reflections. Let's walk this path together--where your words create activate your destiny!

1:1 Discovery Call

If you are ready to unlock your full creative potential and get personalized guidance, book a call with me today.

Pen + Presence² Workshop 

Discover how taking your journaling in the Presence of God with your Pen and His Word will help you to break through your Visibility sabotage.

Sign up for this two-hour workshop and find the clarity and peace that you have been longing for as a creator.

This event is your opportunity to get back in alignment through rewriting the narrative that's been blocking the blessing that you are for others and that God wants to release for you.

Reset and Fuel Your Creative Mindset

Join our complimentary Creative Focus Community and Evaluate weekly where you're up or down, pinpoint what shifts you need to take in your mindset, take inventory of any new lessons, and ignite your dream for next steps with the Lord. 

09.24.24 Create Order With Your Words Daily #014

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Create Order with Your Words
Create Order with Your Words Daily
Create Order with Your Words is your morning power-up for creative minds and aspiring digital entrepreneurs who want to align their thoughts, actions, and success with God's Word.
Hosted by Creative Success Coach Tiffany M Ruffner, this show will help you release your signal into the world, so that you can effectively co-create with Jesus at the center of it all.
Each weekday, you can expect to:
* Engage with scripture, utilizing the daily word from a supplemental podcast (Wisdom in the Word).
* Meditate on biblical truths with 2-minutes of reflective journaling with Christian Jazz by Rhine Ruffner
* Create order in your life and business and overcome all distractions to align your creative work with God's Wisdom.
Whether you're ready to take back your energy by mastering your decisions, looking to refine your clarity, or you simply want to start your day with purpose, Create Order with Your Words Daily will help you to meditate on God's truth and move into momentum.
Ready to go deeper?
Subscribe to Tiffany's YouTube channel for the Mid-week evening stream on Wednesdays at 7pm ET to engage the text as a community | @creatiffocus
Also, join the conversation on Substack where we discuss insights and reflections, where you can also choose to upgrade to paid subscription for the Evening Evidence of creating order with your words! ~~>
Let's walk this path together--where your words create activate your destiny!